The White Path
Year: 1904
Publisher: Eugène Fasquelle
Summary: The title is inspired by the white dust of the roads of Provence “the little white path that leads to Azure …. “. Collection of intimate verses.
Notre Dame de la Garde – The crib – La Farandole – |
Frédéric MISTRAL
Year: 1905
Publisher: At the offices of the “Grande Revue”
Summary: Brochure published while Emile Ripert was still a student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure which researches and studies all the influences that shaped the character and work of Frédéric Mistral |
The Gulf of Love
Year: 1908
Publisher: Edition Du Feu
Summary: Work of youth marking his attachment to his land and to its Gulf of La Ciotat. Under this mystical title, Emile Ripert gives us all the impressions that the senses and the imagination gleaned from his dreamer’s soul along the Gulf of his childhood.
The Gulf of Love |
The coronation of Musset
Year: 1910
Publisher: Le Feu – Union Française d’Edition
Summary: Small poem in 1 act which brings to life all the characters sung in verse from the works of Alfred de Musset. |
The Land of Laurels
Year: 1912
Publisher: Grasset
Distinction: National Poetry Prize
Summary: A sort of legend of the Provençal centuries in verse written in tercetus form which takes up the eras and characters that have marked its history of Provence since the Greeks (Gyptis and Protis, Cornelius Gallius and Petrone, Saintes Maries, Dante, Avignon and its popes, Vauvenargues, Mirabeau, Sièyes, Thiers, Roumanille, Mistral Daudet, Fabre…). It is a hymn to Provence, its landscapes, its memories and its glories.
Port de la Ciotat – La Ciotat – Les Oliviers – The mistral – |
Praise of Clémence Isaure
Year: 1912
Publisher: E. Basset & Cie
Summary: Praise pronounced at the capitol of Toulouse in the solemn session of the Académie des Jeux Floraux on May 3, 1912
pages 8/9 |
On the death of Frédéric Mistral
Year: 1914
Publisher: Plon
Summary : |
The versification of Frédéric Mistral
Year: 1918
Publisher: Librairie ancierre H. Campion Publisher
Notice to the reader: It is easier to write a few verses on the virtue of the sun and the song of the cicadas than to patiently read verses while trying to find out how they are made; it is more pleasant to listen to the song of a flute than to dismantle its mechanism. This mechanism, however, is not without interest; both for the public and for poets curious to know all the resources of their art. It is a comprehensive and detailed study of the harmony, rhythmic forms, and techniques of Mistral’s poetry.
 Table of contents & pages 101 to 105 – chapter VII – The music of verse
Provençal Literature and Teaching
Year: 1918
Publisher: Le Feu
Summary : |
In the land of Joffre
Year: 1918
Publisher: Editions Bossard
Notice to the reader: These pages, which I am putting together today, if they were to be a complete evocation of French Catalonia, I feel with humility how insufficient they would be. Of this beautiful ruddy country, where Spain and France mix their colors and their races, here are only a few paintings, a few images, diverse as life itself, collected here and there during a too rapid stay. …
Illustration and excerpt
Year: 1920
Publisher: Typographer and lithographer Barlatier
Summary: Public session of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Marseille – Reception speech by Mr. Emile Ripert – Response from Mr. Paul Barlatier, former director of the Academy
Extract |
The Wounded Siren
Year: 1920
Publisher: Plon-Nourrit & Cie
Summary: On the sands of the Gulf of Love, intoxicated by the scent of Laurels of Provence, slept a Homeric siren, whose lethargy, more than a thousand years old, was disturbed by the cannon across the Rhine of 1914. |
Praise of Frédéric Mistral
Year: 1920
Publisher: Ed. Champion Editor
Summary: Speech delivered at the Académie de Marseille on February 1, 1920 |
OVIDE – Poet of Love, Gods and
of Exile
Year: 1921
Publisher: Librairie Armand Colin
Summary : |
The gold of the ruins
Year: 1922
Publisher: La Renaissance du Livre
Summary: A novel about a Provencal child attached to his land who endures life without putting up much resistance. A very pure and very sentimental young man who will see him die without being able to marry the young girl he loves, herself a victim of circumstances and of her parents’ selfishness. |
Year: 1923
Publisher: Ferran & Cie Marseille
Summary: Speech given by Emile Riper, professor at the Faculty of Lietytres of the University of Aix-Marseille, at the prize distribution of the Lycée de Marseille on July 13, 1923
Extract |
The Félibrige
Year: 1924
Publisher: Armand Colin
Summary: Small volume which is a digest of the Provençal Renaissance. Its purpose is to provide an easy-to-read overview of the Felibrean movement and its origins.
 Table of contents & pages 67 to 71 – Part two: Le Félibrige and Frédéric Mistral
The Poem of Assisi
Year: 1924
Distinction: Saint-Cricq-Théis Prize in 1921
Summary: Emile Ripert’s trips to Italy had a profound influence on him. It was Assisi that marked him deeply and it was there that he had the revelation of the genius of poverty embodied in Saint Francis. The Poème d’Assise, composed in 1907 unpublished until 1924, overflows with religious inspiration.
 Animation and poems |
The Pilgrimage to Maillane –
Year: 1924
Publisher: Editions Le Feu
Summary: Poem dedicated to the glory of Mistral and an evocation of his admiration and his fervor towards the one who was the Master
Provençal at the Baccalaureate
Year: 1925
Publisher: Editions du Feu
Summary : |
When I am a Bachelor
Year: 1925
Publisher: Flammarion
Summary: Miss Cécilia Bregaillon failed the Latin baccalaureate in modern languages because of the Latin version. But now archeology introduced him to Etienne Jacquier, lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, this professor who corrected the Latin version … Etienne Jacquier will fall in love with Cécilia.
 Pages 161 to 165
The double sacrifice
Year: 1925
Publisher: Editions of the real France
Summary: This novel poses the problem of intellectuals and artists facing war. It is the story of several young people who carry with them an intellectual treasure and resolve in a different way to sacrifice it to their homeland. We attend dialogues between Olivier Pradeilles, the musician who wants everything to come after art, and Olivier the painter, who is torn between the demands of art and those of life and his country. For Olivier who will give his life, the sacrifice will have been twofold.
 Pages 36 to 40 – 66 and 67 – 354 to 357
Should we admit the Langue de Mistral at the Baccalaureate?
? – Investigation and Conclusions
Year: 1925
Publisher: Editions Le Feu
Summary: May this study, conducted as seriously as possible, lead to the desired result of finally having Mistral’s texts admitted among those of French poets and Latin poets, in whose double beauty they participate, among the texts admitted to the exams of the baccalaureate, certification of classical studies. |
Poems from America
Year: 1926
Publisher: Edouard Champion
Summary : |
The last flight of the Eagle –
Year: 1927
Publisher: Flammarion
Summary: A novel full of imagination in which we witness an imagined transport of Napoleon’s body to his native land, with clandestine kidnapping at the Invalides. |
Selected poems
Year: 1928
Publisher: Eugène Figuière
Summary :
Illustrated anthology of Provence
Year: 1929
Publisher: Henri Laurens
Summary : |
The blue train
Year: 1929
Publisher: Flammarion
Summary: A collection of 120 pieces, most of them remembering sites visited or impressions experienced during his travels in Provence, Corsica in Italy or in America, in Algeria. |
Year: 1929
Publisher: Librairie Renouard
Summary: He studies landscapes, history, Letters and the Arts, customs, life and the soul of Provence. Emile Ripert punctuates each of these chapters with quotes borrowed from the best writers of the time. |
Mireille, my loves …
Year: 1930
Publisher: Spes Edit.
Summary: Mireille embodies a whole race and Emile Ripert loves this figure of religious, supraterrestrial, infinite love, because she reminds him of his own Mireille. His dear child who left him, his Mireille who flew out of this world at the age of fifteen.
 Pages 204 to 208 – Epilogue |
With MISTRAL on the roads of Provence
Year: 1931
Summary: Beautiful work where we find many illustrations by photographer Detaille and pretty watercolors by Léo Lelée. We thus travel all the paths taken by Mistral. |
The Côte Vermeille and Languedoc
Year: 1931
Summary: Descriptions and tours of the towns of Languedoc, their past and their history linked to that of Provence. |
In her fifteen years was Mireille
Year: 1931
Publisher: Editions de la revue des poètes
Summary: Sentimental poetry composed after the death of his daughter Mireille on June 4, 1930.
 Animation and extracts – page XIX
King René
Year: 1933
Publisher: Editions du feur
Summary: The history of Provence and in particular of its attachment to France. We see King René in familiar scenes, we witness a conspiracy of Sénéchal Pierre de la Jaille (Palamède de Forbin), damned soul of Louis XI, with a Catalan emissary Don Miquel Cardona, to train the king to come to war against the King of Aragon… King René is in opposition to King Louis XI the indulgent sovereign, artist, the painter king who above all loves Beauty and practices Kindness.
 Animation and extracts
The Roumanille Bookstore
Year: 1934
Publisher: Company limited by printing A. REY
Summary: To study the Roumanille bookstore is to place yourself at the very heart of Félibrige, that is to say at the very heart of the Provençal Renaissance, of the Oc language and even of the French language. |
OVIDE The Fastes
Year: 1934
Publisher: Librairie GARNIER Frères – Paris
Summary: New Translation – |
Notes and Comments for the poem by
Year: 1935
Publisher: Société d’Editions les Belles Lettres
Summary: Complementary thesis to La Renaissance Provençales |
Place de la Concorde 1934
Year: 1935
Publisher: Albert Messein
Summary: In memory of the intern Jean Fabre and the French who fell on February 6, 1934 on the Place de la Concorde |
Year: 1935
Publisher: Inédit
Summary: Play in three acts. Symbol of maternal pain struggling with the fate of the Gods; triumph of human greatness before the determinism of Heaven. |
Year: 1936
Publisher: Les frères Douladoure printers
Summary: Delivery of a vermeil token to Mr. Emile RIPERT – Speech by Bishop Clément Tournier – Response from Mr. Emile Ripert
address in alexandrines |
Year: 1936
Publisher: unpublished
Summary: Unpublished piece, in verse. Two paintings depict the heroine of the Provençal hagiogarphie: Sainte Marthe. |
The return of Fontvieille
Year: 1936
Publisher: Editions des Poètes des Pays Latins
Summary: Small one-act play which is a hymn in honor of Alphonse Daudet which was performed on May 27, 1936 in Fontvieille by actors from the Comédie Française. |
Louis LE CARDONNEL – His last moments, his
Year: 1937
Publisher: Aubanel
Summary: It was in Assisi that he first met Louis Le Cardonnel, a renowned poet from Valence, who had abandoned his literary career in full glory for the priesthood. The meeting of Emile with Louis le Cardonnel in Assisi makes us penetrate into his religious soul. He has devoted many articles to him and a book retracing the last moments of the poet-priest. |
OVIDE The Sad – The Pontics
Year: 1937
Publisher: Librairie GARNIER Frères – Paris
Summary: New Translation –
pages 204/205 |
Lavra and Petrarch
Year: 1937
Publisher: Editions Billaudot, Sucesseur
Summary: Work written on the occasion of the 4th centenary of Petrarch, who at the age of 33 lived as a hermit in the mountains of the Vaucluse fountain. He makes us relive the face and the loves of this great humanist with Laure, wife of Hugues de Sade, ideal lover and inspirer of very beautiful love sonnets. This 4-scene play was performed with great success at the Avignon Theater and the Antique Orange Theater by artists from the Comédie Française.
pages 46 to 48
François-Marius GRANET
Year: 1937
Publisher: Plon
Summary: In “Marius Granet” he studies all the work and life of this great Provençal painter, art critic, still very little known today. |
The Marseillaise
Year: 1939
Publisher: Editions Denoël
Summary: Play in one act and in verse by Emile Ripert and Gaston Picard
 Animation and extract
OVIDE Les Amours
Year: 1941
Summary : |
Verse and prose for Alphonse DAUDET
Year: 1942
Publisher: Les Editions de la France Nouvelle
Notice to the reader: Here is my tribute to the memory of Alphonse Daudet, in verse and prose. … .. My personal contribution to the memory of the one who was the great friend of Aubanel and Mistral,
the protector of Baptiste Bonnet and who, if he did not have enough faith, in the value and the future of Félibrige, never ignored its poetry or its grandeur, the one who always came, as said still Mistral, drinking at the source of Hippocrene, “in our capital, in Avignon which laughs …” and which for fifty years also mourns the great novelist ... Emile Ripert. September 21, 1942
Table of contents Alphonse Daudet and Provence – The return to Fontvieille |
Frédéric Mistral and his message
Year: 1946
Publisher: Edisitons Spec
Summary : |
OVIDE The Heroids
Year: 19 ..
Publisher: Librairie GARNIER Frères – Paris
Summary: New Translation |
Joseph Roumanille
Year: 19 ..
Publisher: P. Lethielleux
Summary : |
Year: 1968
Publisher: Hachette
Summary : |